Glass typically has a practical function. But things made of glass are more than just articles of everyday use.
The most beautiful of them have the ability to elevate the decoration of your living room and boost your dinner table and your mood.
Harsted Antik has a wide selection of glass articles. My assortment includes drinking glasses, decanters, vases and art glass, and I sell articles from all the major Danish glassworks.
Thus both Holmegaard, Kastrup, Conradsminde, Myhlenberg og Fyens Glassworks are all represented in my store and on the website.
The most beautiful of them have the ability to elevate the decoration of your living room and boost your dinner table and your mood.
Harsted Antik has a wide selection of glass articles. My assortment includes drinking glasses, decanters, vases and art glass, and I sell articles from all the major Danish glassworks.
Thus both Holmegaard, Kastrup, Conradsminde, Myhlenberg og Fyens Glassworks are all represented in my store and on the website.
937 products
Grøn Palet urtepotteskjuler750,00 kr
Stor Majgrøn torpedo vase1.500,00 kr
Glat Anglais champagnefløjte, 17 cm.750,00 kr
Blåt Carneval glas600,00 kr
Urangrøn hospitalsvase fra Holmegaard2.000,00 kr
Rosa hospitalsvase fra Holmegaard1.200,00 kr
Søblå hospitalsvase fra Holmegaard1.500,00 kr
Rød orkidevase, 20 cm.500,00 kr
Sort Palet kande1.800,00 kr
Oceanblå Palet kande950,00 kr
Klukflaske med grøn prop500,00 kr
Urangrønt hyacintglas650,00 kr
Gul Palet krukke - Ost2.500,00 kr
Sjælden Gul Palet krukke The750,00 kr
Gul Palet stor kande, 1,5 liter2.000,00 kr
Osteklokke af Benny Motsfeldt, 18 cm.750,00 kr
Rød Palet lav skål, 15 cm.500,00 kr
Grøn Palet lav skål, 12 cm.500,00 kr
Christiansborg ølglas450,00 kr
Silicien mosgrønne hvidvinsglas350,00 kr
Erna ølglas500,00 kr
Blåt hyacintglas fra Holmegaard500,00 kr
Mangan hyacintglas fra Holmegaard800,00 kr