The brooch has a long history. People have worn brooches since ancient times.
The earliest brooches were often made of brass and their main function was to help people keep their clothes in place.
Later on it became a common practice to make decorative brooches in silver and gold.
In our part of the world the brooch isnt as normal as necklaces or earrings. But many of us can still agree, that a beautiful brooch can greatly improve on an otherwise trivial outfit.
You will find brooches in many different styles and materials, and the assortment includes items from Anton Michelsen, Henning Koppel, Georg Jensen and many other Danish silversmiths.
The earliest brooches were often made of brass and their main function was to help people keep their clothes in place.
Later on it became a common practice to make decorative brooches in silver and gold.
In our part of the world the brooch isnt as normal as necklaces or earrings. But many of us can still agree, that a beautiful brooch can greatly improve on an otherwise trivial outfit.
You will find brooches in many different styles and materials, and the assortment includes items from Anton Michelsen, Henning Koppel, Georg Jensen and many other Danish silversmiths.
108 products
Came broche fattet i sølv400,00 kr
Broche fra 1950'erne350,00 kr
Moderne broche af sølv med rav650,00 kr
Oval broche med granater950,00 kr
Forgyldt hestesko A. Michelsen900,00 kr
Hvid Georg Jensen Marguerite broche1.200,00 kr
Georg Jensen marguerite broche - jubilæumsudgave1.000,00 kr
Sort Marguerit broche - Bernhard Hertz1.500,00 kr
De fem svaner fra Norden - broche500,00 kr
Broche - Tro, håb og kærlighed fra Georg Jensen1.800,00 kr
Broche fra 1950'erne350,00 kr
Georg Jensen broche, Nr. 1011.800,00 kr
Broche fra Evald Nielsen1.200,00 kr
Jubilæumssmykke - pin750,00 kr
Jubilæumssmykke - broche1.500,00 kr
Broche fra 1930'erne - Skarabæ250,00 kr
Hans Hansen art deco broche - blad1.400,00 kr
Broche i guld med granater1.500,00 kr
Fin broche med mikromosaik fra 1860'erne900,00 kr
Just Andersen broche i sølv3.000,00 kr
Dansk skønvirke broche med koral1.600,00 kr
Stor skønvirke broche med lapis lazuli2.000,00 kr
Georg Jensen Moonlight Grape broche3.500,00 kr
Hans Hansen art deco broche1.400,00 kr
Came broche fattet i sølv400,00 kr
Broche med elfenben af Niels Erik From1.400,00 kr
Moderne broche i sølv - Björn Weckström5.000,00 kr
Georg Jensen broche fra 1933-19442.200,00 kr
Art nouveau broche af V. Lauritzen1.500,00 kr
Georg Jensen broche fra 1933-19441.500,00 kr
Art nouveau vedhæng fra Eiler & Marløe750,00 kr