Other glassware
Maybe youre not quite sure what youre looking for. Maybe you just know that you like glass. And in that case you have come to the right place.
This category includes piano feet, business card bowls, flowerpots and ice buckets.
In the assortment you will find items from Val Saint Lambert, Holmegaard, Fyens Glassworks and many other known brands.
This category includes piano feet, business card bowls, flowerpots and ice buckets.
In the assortment you will find items from Val Saint Lambert, Holmegaard, Fyens Glassworks and many other known brands.
62 products
Stort antikt cencilitermål fra apotek450,00 kr
Antikt cencilitermål fra apotek350,00 kr
Samling på 5 flydefisk i glas2.000,00 kr
Stor osteklokke af Kay Bojesen1.500,00 kr
Aflang art deco glasbakke500,00 kr
Osteklokke af Benny Motsfeldt, 18 cm.750,00 kr
Et par krystal bonbonnierer950,00 kr
Krystal bonbonniere950,00 kr
Et par grønne salkar350,00 kr
Usædvanlig krystal opsats fra 1930'erne1.800,00 kr
Flygfors oval pink bowl350,00 kr
Box with motif of Thorvaldsens Summer650,00 kr
Box with motif of The Royal Theater650,00 kr
Biscuit bucket with frosted decoration600,00 kr
Beautiful biscuit bucket with eye optics750,00 kr
Faceted sugar sprinkles350,00 kr
Double bowl in white opaline1.400,00 kr
Large danish glass bell from the 1920s2.400,00 kr
Milky white sugar bowl from the 1800 century1.200,00 kr
Seablue children's cheese dome800,00 kr
Sugar bowl with handle from Fyens Glasværk1.400,00 kr
Sugar shaker from 1918 in ruby red glass2.900,00 kr
Biscuit barrel with fine optics550,00 kr
Sugar bowl from the 1800 century1.600,00 kr
Light blue sugar bowl from the 1800 century1.600,00 kr
Sugar dish from the 1850'ish2.200,00 kr
Perfume bottle from the 1890s400,00 kr
Biscuit jar from the 1920'ish750,00 kr
Candy bowl cut with olives550,00 kr
Art nouveau rock candy bowl850,00 kr