Typical Scandinavian fashion is characterized by minimalism.
But even if you like dressing low key, you shouldnt be afraid to supplement your daily outfits with plenty of jewelry.
Jewelry gives you the opportunity to personalize your style. And when you buy jewelry, you might as well buy antiques.
That way youre almost certain that what youre buying seems unique.
I try to have a large selection of brooches, bracelets, rings, necklaces and other forms of jewelry from brands such as Georg Jensen, Anton Michelsen, Hans Hansen and Niels Erik From.
But even if you like dressing low key, you shouldnt be afraid to supplement your daily outfits with plenty of jewelry.
Jewelry gives you the opportunity to personalize your style. And when you buy jewelry, you might as well buy antiques.
That way youre almost certain that what youre buying seems unique.
I try to have a large selection of brooches, bracelets, rings, necklaces and other forms of jewelry from brands such as Georg Jensen, Anton Michelsen, Hans Hansen and Niels Erik From.
422 products
Ring i sølv fra 1920'erne300,00 kr
Moderne ring med rav650,00 kr
Came broche fattet i sølv400,00 kr
Broche fra 1950'erne350,00 kr
Moderne broche af sølv med rav650,00 kr
Ring i sølv fra 1970'erne500,00 kr
Oval broche med granater950,00 kr
Forgyldt hestesko A. Michelsen900,00 kr
Moderne ring i sølv - Lapponia, Bjørn Weckström1.500,00 kr
Anker armbånd i sølv, 21 cm.900,00 kr
Marguerit vedhæng i sterlingsølv500,00 kr
Rødt Marguerit vedhæng - Bernhard Hertz1.500,00 kr
Marguerit vedhæng af Volmer Bahner800,00 kr
Hvid Georg Jensen Marguerite broche1.200,00 kr
Sorte Georg Jensen marguerite ørestikker750,00 kr
Georg Jensen Marguerite vedhæng, 1,1 cm.550,00 kr
Røde Marguerit manchetknapper - Bernhard Hertz1.800,00 kr
Georg Jensen marguerite broche - jubilæumsudgave1.000,00 kr
Sort Marguerit armbånd - Bernhard Hertz1.800,00 kr
Marguerit ørestikker - Bernhard Hertz550,00 kr
Sort Marguerit broche - Bernhard Hertz1.500,00 kr
Et par forgyldte manchetknapper af Evald Nielsen1.200,00 kr
De fem svaner fra Norden - broche500,00 kr
Broche - Tro, håb og kærlighed fra Georg Jensen1.800,00 kr
Broche fra 1950'erne350,00 kr
Georg Jensen broche, Nr. 1011.800,00 kr
Broche fra Evald Nielsen1.200,00 kr
Halskæde fra Kranz & Ziegler - kuglelås500,00 kr
Jubilæumssmykke - pin750,00 kr
Jubilæumssmykke - halskæde1.500,00 kr